A blind MPEG-2 video watermarking robust to camcorder recording

Dooseop Choi, Hoseok Do, Hyuk Choi, Taejeong Kim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

36 Scopus citations


Based on the observation that low-frequency DCT coefficients of an image are less affected by geometric processings, we propose a new blind MPEG-2 video watermarking algorithm robust to camcorder recording. The mean of the low-frequency DCT coefficients of the video is temporally modulated according to the information bits. To avoid watermark's drift into other frames, we embed watermarks only in the B-frames of MPEG-2 videos, which also allows minimal partial decoding and achieves efficiency. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme achieves high video quality and robustness to camcorder recording and other attacks.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1327-1332
Number of pages6
JournalSignal Processing
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 2010


  • Camcorder recording
  • MPEG-2 video
  • Temporal modulation
  • Video watermarking


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