A mode-locked 1.91μm fiber laser based on interaction between graphene oxide and evanescent field

Minwan Jung, Joonhoi Koo, Pulak Debnath, Yong Won Song, Ju Han Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

74 Scopus citations


The use of a graphene oxide (GO)-deposited D-shaped fiber as a saturable absorber for mode locking of a thulium-doped fiber laser is experimentally demonstrated. By using the evanescent field interaction of an oscillating beam with GO, a passive mode locking operation at a wavelength of ̃1.91 μm is shown to be achievable from a ring cavity. Stable picosecond pulses are readily obtained at a repetition rate of 15.9 MHz. This demonstration confirms that GO is a cost-effective saturable absorber applicable for ̃2 μm ultrafast pulse generation.

Original languageEnglish
Article number112702
JournalApplied Physics Express
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 2012


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