A Study on The Characteristics of Parking Demand for Factory Facilities in Industrial Complex Considering Company Size and Manufacturing Industry- Focused on the Parking Lot Attached to the General Industrial Complex in Gyeonggi-Do -

Yang Seung-Kil, Yang Seung-Woo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The study purpose to analyze parking demand characteristics based on industry type and company size by assessing parking availability within and outside factory facilities in industrial zones. Manufacturing industry averages 238.8m2/car for parking space. Parking demand correlates with factory floor area, notably low for machine and electronics industries with less than 2,000m2 and 2,000-3,000m2 respectively. However, the metal industry with 5,000-10,000m2 floor area shows a 118% increase in parking space per unit. Parking demand varies by company size, with larger floor areas leading to increased parking needs. Small-scale enterprises exhibit a 63% increase, small enterprises 69%, and medium-sized enterprises 75% increase compared to current standards, indicating differing parking demands across company sizes. For companies with less than 2,000m2 floor areas across industries, parking space per unit is at 47% of the current standard. Electronics and chemical industries consistently show lower parking space per unit across company sizes. Conversely, small-scale enterprises in metal and machinery industries (3,000-5,000㎡) and small enterprises in the metal industry (5,000-10,000m2) exceed current standards for parking space per unit. This analysis underscores the need for tailored parking solutions based on industry and company size within industrial complexes.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)65-74
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of the Architectural Institute of Korea
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2024


  • Industrial Complex
  • Manufacturing industry
  • Parking demand Unit
  • Parking Law
  • Standards for subsidiary parking facilities


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