Action plans on the reduction of mobility energy consumption based on personal mobility activation

Minje Choi, Dong Gyun Ku, Sion Kim, Juhyeon Kwak, Yoonjung Jang, Doyun Lee, Seungjae Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Scopus citations


Personal Mobility (PM) has attracted considerable attentions as an eco-friendly mode of transportation. In Seoul, the PM penetration rate has grown by 30% annually, and the number of PM companies has been increasing. However, there is a high risk of collision against a pedestrian while riding PM vehicles on sidewalks. To create a safer operation environment, studies on the effect of PM-only lane and ways to create PM playgrounds have been conducted. A design involving a PM-only lane was presented and evaluated using the traditional travel demand modeling framework. If the PM-only lane is to be implemented, a significant number of vehicles would be converted for public transportation, and vehicle kilometers traveled would be substantially decreased. Reducing the use of automobiles is expected to contribute to environmental benefits. Moreover, by creating a PM-based playground, it can promote a safer driving environment through driving education for beginners, and data collection related to PM driving. If PM-only lane and PM-based playgrounds positively affect the deployment of PM, they could lead to the activation of public transportation uses. Environmental benefits calculated on these action plans show its effectiveness of reduction of mobility energy consumption while ensuring safety and convenience.

Original languageEnglish
Article number126019
StatePublished - 15 Jan 2023


  • Carbon neutral
  • Electric mobility
  • Environmental benefits
  • PM Playground
  • Personal mobility


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