Advancing energy efficiency in livestock building: Simplified building energy simulation tool for geometric design of pigsty

Hakjong Shin, Jeonga Kang, Sunhye Mun, Younghoon Kwak

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


Concerns related to food security and animal welfare have led to increasing interest in analyzing the energy demands of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems in livestock buildings. However, building energy simulation (BES) model, which facilitates precise HVAC systems energy analysis, is difficult to use for non-experts, and particularly, its usability drops significantly in livestock buildings, which are often constructed without involvement of building engineers. This study, therefore, developed a tool that can analyze the energy demand of pigsties by changing geometric design variables with only several numerical inputs without separate 3D modeling. Pigsty geometric design types were classified by examining pigsty architectural design manual and web portal map search. A simplified tool, utilizing EnergyPlus and MATLAB graphical user interface, was developed to analyze energy demand in pigsties by leveraging simple user inputs for geometric design modeling. This tool simplifies exploring potential energy savings through geometric design changes in the early design stages of livestock buildings. The methodology introduced in this study lays the groundwork for future enhancements, including the integration of various design-phase variables beyond geometric design.

Original languageEnglish
Article number102146
JournalResults in Engineering
StatePublished - Jun 2024


  • Animal welfare
  • EnergyPlus
  • Food security
  • Geometric design
  • Pigsty


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