Analytical Approach for Fast Frequency Response Control of VSC HVDC

Junghun Lee, Soseul Jeong, Hyunmin Kim, Yeuntae Yoo, Seungmin Jung, Minhan Yoon, Gilsoo Jang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

9 Scopus citations


The importance of the auxiliary control of power electronic devices such as HVDC and FACTs is growing owing to the increase in the generation capacity of renewable energy sources. This paper presents a temporary frequency support strategy using the electrostatic energy in voltage-sourced converter-type high-voltage direct current systems. An analytical derivation for selecting the optimal droop constant to improve the frequency nadir was established. The optimal droop constant was derived via system frequency response analysis by using the support termination time. Furthermore, the optimality of the support was computed using numerical equations. Modified outer control loops were implemented in the master controller to utilize the proposed method in voltage-sourced converter control. The effect of the fast frequency support control strategy was verified via a time-domain electromagnetic transient program simulation based on case studies. To examine the practical applicability of the proposed strategy, the parameter robustness was investigated by performing deviated system parameter simulations. The results validated the proposed strategy.

Original languageEnglish
Article number9462915
Pages (from-to)91303-91313
Number of pages11
JournalIEEE Access
StatePublished - 2021


  • Droop constant
  • fast frequency support control (FFSC)
  • frequency nadir
  • primary frequency response
  • system frequency response


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