Analyzing the Problems of a District-Based Administration Using Monte Carlo Simulation: The Case of Sex Offender Notifications in Korea

Hyemin Kim, Suyun Lee, Chulmin Jun

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The problems of administrations based simply on administrative units that do not consider the operational purposes of the system have been consistently discussed. For example, in the Republic of Korea, sex offenders’ information is distributed via physical mail only in a few regions, a practice that is too rigidly based on the boundaries of the administrative ‘Dong’ of the offender’s residence. This implies that citizens in an adjacent building will not be notified if their Dong is different. Therefore, this study analyzed the problems of an administrative system that does not consider its realistic scope by using the case study of sex offender notifications. By expanding the distance from children and youth grids, we ascertained the extent of the problems with sex offender notifications. Additionally, to determine whether these problems have occurred by chance at a specific point in time or if there has been a fundamental limitation in the system, the Monte Carlo simulation was applied to compare the actual and random data of residences.

Original languageEnglish
Article number177
JournalISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2024


  • administrative district
  • Monte Carlo simulation
  • sex offender information notices


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