Application of hydrophilic silanol-based chemical grout for strengthening damaged reinforced concrete flexural members

Hyunjin Ju, Deuck Hang Lee, Hae Chang Cho, Kang Su Kim, Seyoon Yoon, Soo Yeon Seo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

18 Scopus citations


In this study, hydrophilic chemical grout using silanol (HCGS) was adopted to overcome the performance limitations of epoxy materials used for strengthening existing buildings and civil engineering structures. The enhanced material performances of HCGS were introduced, and applied to the section enlargement method, which is one of the typical structural strengthening methods used in practice. To evaluate the excellent structural strengthening performance of the HCGS, structural tests were conducted on reinforced concrete beams, and analyses on the flexural behaviors of test specimens were performed by modified partial interaction theory (PIT). In particular, to improve the constructability of the section enlargement method, an advanced strengthening method was proposed, in which the precast panel was directly attached to the bottom of the damaged structural member by HCGS, and the degree of connection of the test specimens, strengthened by the section enlargement method, were quantitatively evaluated by PIT-based analysis.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4823-4844
Number of pages22
Issue number6
StatePublished - 2014


  • Flexural behavior
  • HCGS
  • Partial interaction
  • Silanol
  • Strengthening


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