Area of lineal-path function for describing the pore microstructures of cement paste and their relations to the mechanical properties simulated from μ-CT microstructures

Tong Seok Han, Xiaoxuan Zhang, Ji Su Kim, Sang Yeop Chung, Jae Hong Lim, Christian Linder

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

51 Scopus citations


The pore distribution of a cement paste strongly affects its mechanical behavior such as its stiffness and strength. Porosity is an influential parameter that can be used to identify the complex pore microstructures of cement paste, but it has limitations as a scalar parameter. In this study, the lineal-path function, a low-order probability function, is investigated as a supplement or an alternative parameter for describing the microstructural characteristics of cement paste microstructures. In particular, the area of the lineal-path function is used as a measure of the pore microstructural characteristics, which can be linked with its properties. A relatively new method for simulating crack propagation, the crack phase field model, is used to evaluate the stiffness and tensile strength of cement paste microstructures and the evaluated properties are linked to the proposed characterization parameters. The evaluation is performed on virtual specimens obtained from micro-level computerized tomography (μ-CT) images of real cement paste specimens. The validity of the microstructure-property relations obtained from the proposed characterization parameters and the crack phase field model are confirmed through the statistical analysis of dozens of specimens. It is concluded that the correlation between the area of the lineal-path function and the mechanical properties is very strong. The parameter could potentially be used as a supplementary or an alternative parameter to describe the pore microstructures of cement paste.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-17
Number of pages17
JournalCement and Concrete Composites
StatePublished - May 2018


  • Cement paste
  • Crack phase field model
  • Lineal-path function
  • Mechanical properties
  • Pore microstructures


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