Bio-oil upgrading over Ga modified zeolites in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor

Ju Park Hyun, Young Kwon Park, Joo Sik Kim, Jong Ki Jeon, Kyung Seun Yoo, Jin Heong Yim, Jinho Jung, Min Sohn Jung

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

27 Scopus citations


Catalytic upgrading of bio-oil was carried out over Ga modified ZSM-5 for the pyrolysis of sawdust in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor. Effect of gas velocity (Uo/Umf) on the yield of pyrolysis products was investigated. The maximum yield of oil products was found to be about 60% at the Uo/Umf of 4.0. The yield of gas was increased as catalyst added. HZSM-5 shows the larger gas yield than Ga/HZSM-5. When bio-oil was upgraded with HZSM-5 or Ga/HZSM-5, the amount of aromatics in product increased. Product yields over Ga/HZSM-5 shows higher amount of aromatic components such as benzene, toluene, xylene (BTX) than HZSM-5.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)553-556
Number of pages4
JournalStudies in Surface Science and Catalysis
StatePublished - 2006


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