Bismuth oxide nonlinear fibre-based 80 Gbit/s wavelength conversion and demultiplexing using cross-phase modulation and filtering scheme

J. H. Lee, T. Nagashima, T. Hasegawa, S. Ohara, N. Sugimoto, K. Kikuchi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Scopus citations


Reported is the experimental demonstration of wavelength conversion and subsequent demultiplexing of an 80 Gbit/s OTDM signal using the cross-phase modulation and spectral filtering technique in short lengths of bismuth oxide-based nonlinear fibre with a nonlinearity of γ=∼1100 W -1 · km-1. Error-free, overall operation is readily achieved over a wavelength tuning range of ∼10 nm.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1237-1238
Number of pages2
JournalElectronics Letters
Issue number22
StatePublished - 2005


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