Calculation of permittivity tensors for invisibility devices by effective medium approach in general relativity

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Permittivity tensors of arbitrary shaped invisibility devices were obtained using an effective medium approach in general relativity. As special cases, analytical expressions for the permittivity tensors of invisibility cloaks for the elliptic cylinder, prolate spheroid, and the confocal paraboloid geometry are derived. In the case of a elliptic cylinder, it was found that the point of infinite light speed in the electromagnetic space becomes two points in physical space in the zz component of the permittivity tensor. This result is different from the case of a perfect cylinder in which there is a line of cloak at which the speed of light becomes infinite. In the cases of prolate spheroid and confocal paraboloid, the point of infinite light speed in the electromagnetic space becomes a line in physical space for the first two tensor components and the third component of the permittivity tensor becomes singular at the line of cloak.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)700-710
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Modern Optics
Issue number8
StatePublished - 10 May 2011


  • Effective medium
  • General relativity
  • Invisibility cloaking
  • Maxwell's equation
  • Permittivity tensor


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