Carbonization characteristics of biomass/coking coal blends for the application of bio-coke

Myung Won Seo, Ha Myung Jeong, Woon Jae Lee, Sang Jun Yoon, Ho Won Ra, Yong Ku Kim, Doyeon Lee, Si Woo Han, Sang Done Kim, Jae Goo Lee, Sang Mun Jeong

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

36 Scopus citations


Carbonization is a low-temperature thermochemical process that converts organic matter in the absence of oxygen mainly into char, gas, and liquids. Bio-coke is a char prepared from a mixture of biomass/charcoal and a coal blend. It can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by replacing coke and reducing coal consumption in the ironmaking process. In this study, the carbonization characteristics such as char conversion, gas and tar composition of bio-coke were determined using a batch-type carbonization reactor. Yellow poplar wood used as a biomass was added to a coking coal in different ratios (0, 10, 15, 20, and 30 wt%) and the resulting raw bio-coke was carbonized at different final temperatures (500–800 °C). The calorific value of bio-coke was higher than 7000 kcal/kg, exceeding the standard value. Moreover, the initiation combustion temperature of the resultant bio-coke determined using TGA was in the range of 400–600 °C. It is concluded that bio-coke is a suitable substitute for conventional fossil fuels reducing CO2 emissions.

Original languageEnglish
Article number124943
JournalChemical Engineering Journal
StatePublished - 15 Aug 2020


  • Bio-coke
  • Biochar
  • CO emission reduction
  • Carbonization
  • Coking coal
  • Yellow poplar wood


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