Changes in quality and vigour of cucumber and paprika transplants as affected by storage temperature under dark conditions

Yurina Kwack, Chang Hoo Chun

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


Cucumber and paprika transplants were stored at 9, 12, 15, and 18°C under dark conditions for 15 days and then grown in a greenhouse for 14 days after transplanting. To determine the effects of low storage temperature and long-term continuous darkness on the quality and vigour of transplants, we investigated the quality of transplants during storage and the growth of stored transplants after transplanting. In cucumber transplants, decreasing storage temperature reduced stem elongation and decrease in SPAD value. The quality of cucumber transplants stored at 9°C was well preserved during storage, but they did not survive after transplanting due to chilling damage. Growth and development after transplanting were significantly greater when cucumber transplants were stored at 12°C. In paprika transplants, the quality of transplants did not significantly differ before and after storage. After transplanting, there was no significant difference in the survival rate and growth, but the number of flower buds was greater in the paprika transplants stored at lower temperatures (9 and 12°C). These results indicate that the responses of transplants to the conditions of low temperature and darkness differed between cucumber and paprika, and storage temperature in darkness must be controlled carefully considering species-specific responses to reduce quality deterioration during storage and improve the recovery of transplants after transplanting.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)633-637
Number of pages5
JournalHorticultural Science and Technology
Issue number5
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2015


  • Chilling
  • Chlorophyll degradation
  • Seedling
  • Stem elongation
  • Storability


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