Chemically synthesized Cu 2 Te incorporated Bi-Sb-Te p-type thermoelectric materials for low temperature energy harvesting

Jae Min Song, Jamil Ur Rahman, Jung Young Cho, Soonil Lee, Won Seon Seo, Seyun Kim, Sang il Kim, Kyu Hyoung Lee, Dongkyu Roh, Weon Ho Shin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

21 Scopus citations


We report a facile and efficient way to enhance and modulate thermoelectric performance by incorporating chemically synthesized Cu 2 Te nanoparticles on p-type Bi 0.5 Sb 1.5 Te 3 matrix. By varying the amount of Cu 2 Te nanoparticles, the temperature of maximum thermoelectric performance shifted systematically from room temperature to 425 K. The highest figure-of-merit value, 1.1, was achieved at 377 K by incorporating 0.1 wt% Cu 2 Te nanoparticles in Bi 0.5 Sb 1.5 Te 3 matrix, which is due to enhancement in power factor and reduction in lattice thermal conductivity. The results demonstrate that Cu 2 Te incorporation could be an effective strategy for Bi-Te based thermoelectric power generation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)78-83
Number of pages6
JournalScripta Materialia
StatePublished - May 2019


  • Bipolar conduction
  • Carrier tuning
  • Cu Te nanoparticle
  • Lattice thermal conductivity reduction
  • Thermoelectric


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