Comprehensive kinetic study of Imperata Cylindrica pyrolysis via Asym2sig deconvolution and combined kinetics

Syarif Hidayat, Muhammad S.Abu Bakar, Ashfaq Ahmed, Dewi Agustina Iryani, Murid Hussain, Farrukh Jamil, Young Kwon Park

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53 Scopus citations


This study examined the non-isothermal kinetics of the slow pyrolysis of Imperata Cylindrica (IC). Pyrolysis conditions were developed under the pure N2 flow and non-isothermal conditions at the heating rates of 2.5, 5, 10, and 17.5 K/min and over the temperature range of 303–1173 K. The IC pyrolysis profiles could be identified into three parallel reactions, each of which corresponded to pseudo-hemicelluloses (P-Hem), pseudo-cellulose (P-Cell), and pseudo-lignin (P-Lig) decomposition. A systematic kinetic study of the pyrolysis of IC via thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) deconvolution using Asymmetric Double Sigmoidal (Asym2sig), Friedman differential iso-conversional and combined kinetics of biomass pseudo-components was carried out. The kinetics parameters of pseudo components fitted well with the pyrolysis experimental data for all the heating rates. Differential master-plots showed that the reaction mechanisms for pseudo hemicellulose (P-Hem) and pseudo cellulose (P-Cell) were diffusional and order based, and high order based (3rd order) for the pseudo lignin (P-Lig). Mechanism of P-Hem, P-Cell and P-Lig could be further reconstructed to Sestak and Berggren model of fα=α-0.98751-α1.325-ln⁡(1-α)0.0209, fα=α0.33131-α1.4731-ln⁡(1-α)0.0215 and fα=α-2.95511-α2.7642-ln⁡(1-α)0.0074, respectively. The combined kinetic reported the activation energies of pseudo-components were as 194.709 kJ/mol, 179.968 kJ/mol and 219.226 kJ/mol for P-Hem, P-Cell and P-Lig, respectively.

Original languageEnglish
Article number105133
JournalJournal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis
StatePublished - Jun 2021


  • Combined kinetic
  • Deconvolution
  • Imperata Cylindrica
  • Pseudo components
  • Pyrolysis kinetics


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