Continuous fed-batch alternating aerobic and anoxic system for biodegradation of Decontaminating Solution 2 with high nitrogen content

Michael H. Kim, Joseph J. DeFrank, Jin Hyung Lee, Hyunook Kim

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4 Scopus citations


A continuous fed-batch alternating aerobic and anoxic (CFBAAA) activated sludge system was developed for biodegradation of the US Army's Decontaminating Solution 2 (DS2). The high nitrogen content in DS2 (approximately 28.5% by weight) necessitated a new nitrification/denitrification process scheme for biological nitrogen removal. Nitrification, conversion of NH4+ from the DS2 degradation to NO3, is accomplished simultaneously along with the DS2 degradation under aerobic conditions, and denitrification, conversion of accumulated NO3 to N2, is achieved under anoxic conditions in which the air supply is ceased. A one-day cycle with 16 h air-on and 8 h of air-off was used. Overall, the CFBAAA system could achieve COD removal of >97% and TN of >99% at a hydraulic retention time of 16 d, when 1% DS2 (equivalent to 17,500 mg COD L−1 and 2850 mg N L−1) was fed. In addition, due to its cyclic operation mode, the CFBAAA system could reduce 1/3 of electricity consumption compared to the conventional activated sludge system.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)47-55
Number of pages9
JournalWater-Energy Nexus
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jun 2018


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