Development of the physics–based morphology model as the platform for the optimal design of beach nourishment project: A numerical study

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In this study, a physics‐based morphology model is developed and to test the feasibility of the morphology model proposed in this study as the platform for the optimal design of the beach nourishment project, the beach restoration process by the infra‐gravity waves underlying the swells in a mild sea is numerically simulated. As a hydrodynamic module, the IHFOAM wave toolbox having its roots in the OpenFoam is used. Speaking of the morphology model, a transport equation for suspended load and the Exner type equation constitute the morphology model. In doing so, the probability theory first introduced by Einstein and the physical model test by Bagnold are used as the constituent sub‐model of the morphology model. Numerical results show that among many flow features that are indispensable in forming sand bars over the flat bottom and swash zone, the partially skewed and asymmetric bottom shearing stresses, a shoreward Stokes drift near the free surface, boundary layer streaming near the seabed, and undertow toward the offshore were successfully simulated using the morphology model proposed in this study. It was also shown that plunging type breaker occurring at the final stage of the shoaling process, and its accompanying second breaker, sediment entrainment at the seabed, and the redistribution of suspended load by the down rush of preceding waves were successfully reproduced in the numerical simulation, and agreements with our experience in the field were very encouraging. In particular, the sand bar formation process over the flat bottom and backshore were successfully reproduced in the numerical simulation, which has been regarded as a challenging task.

Original languageEnglish
Article number828
Pages (from-to)1-23
Number of pages23
JournalJournal of Marine Science and Engineering
Issue number10
StatePublished - Oct 2020


  • Bagnold’s physical model test
  • Beach restoration
  • Einstein’s probability theory
  • Physics‐based morphology model
  • RANS


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