Eigenstate thermalization hypothesis in two-dimensional XXZ model with or without SU(2) symmetry

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We investigate the eigenstate thermalization properties of the spin-1/2 XXZ model in two-dimensional rectangular lattices of size L1×L2 under periodic boundary conditions. Exploiting the symmetry property, we can perform an exact diagonalization study of the energy eigenvalues up to system size 4×7 and of the energy eigenstates up to 4×6. Numerical analysis of the Hamiltonian eigenvalue spectrum and matrix elements of an observable in the Hamiltonian eigenstate basis supports that the two-dimensional XXZ model follows the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis. When the spin interaction is isotropic, the XXZ model Hamiltonian conserves the total spin and has SU(2) symmetry. We show that the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis is still valid within each subspace where the total spin is a good quantum number.

Original languageEnglish
Article number014130
JournalPhysical Review E
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2023


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