Element-Specific Orbital Character in a Nearly-Free-Electron Superconductor Ag5Pb2O6 Revealed by Core-Level Photoemission

Soobin Sinn, Kyung Dong Lee, Choong Jae Won, Ji Seop Oh, Moonsup Han, Young Jun Chang, Namjung Hur, Byeong Gyu Park, Changyoung Kim, Hyeong Do Kim, Tae Won Noh

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Ag5Pb2O6 has attracted attentions due to its novel nearly-free-electron superconductivity, but its electronic structure and orbital character of the Cooper-pair electrons remain controversial. Here, we present a method utilizing core-level photoemission to show that Pb 6s electrons dominate near the Fermi level. We observe a strongly asymmetric Pb 4 f 7/2 core-level spectrum, while a Ag 3d 5/2 spectrum is well explained by two symmetric peaks. The asymmetry in the Pb 4 f 7/2 spectrum originates from the local attractive interaction between conducting Pb 6s electrons and a Pb 4 f 7/2 core hole, which implies a dominant Pb 6s contribution to the metallic conduction. In addition, the observed Pb 4 f 7/2 spectrum is not explained by the well-known Doniach-Šunjić lineshape for a simple metal. The spectrum is successfully generated by employing a Pb 6s partial density of states from local density approximation calculations, thus confirming the Pb 6s dominant character and free-electron-like density of states of Ag5Pb2O6.

Original languageEnglish
Article number4528
JournalScientific Reports
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2017


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