Enhanced thermoelectric transport properties of Bi2Te3 polycrystalline alloys via carrier type change arising from slight Pb doping

Okmin Park, Sang Jeong Park, Hyun Sik Kim, Se Woong Lee, Minsu Heo, Sang il Kim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Scopus citations


Herein, thermoelectric transport properties of lightly Pb-doped Bi2-xPbxTe3 (x = 0, 0.0025, 0.005, and 0.01) alloys are investigated. Negative Seebeck coefficient (−169 μV/K) of the pristine Bi2Te3 increases to −120 μV/K for x = 0.0025 at 300 K. As Pb further doped, positive Seebeck coefficients of 191 and 157 μV/K are measured for x = 0.005 and 0.01, respectively. P-type power factor increased to 2.32 mW/mK2 by the Pb doping for x = 0.01 at 300 K, compared with n-type power factor of 1.81 mW/mK2 of the pristine Bi2Te3. The decrease in κlat was observed for x = 0.01 due to additional phonon scattering by point defects. As results, p-type thermoelectric figure of merit zT of 0.42 for x = 0.01 is achieved compared with n-type zT of 0.35 for Bi2Te3 at 300 K. The maximum p-type zT of 0.56 was obtained for Bi1.99Pb0.01Te3 (x = 0.01). Therefore, a relative high p-type zT value was successfully achieved by the slight Pb doping in Bi2Te3 by carrier type change from n-type to p-type.

Original languageEnglish
Article number107723
JournalMaterials Science in Semiconductor Processing
StatePublished - 1 Nov 2023


  • BiTe
  • Carrier type change
  • Pb doping
  • Thermoelectric


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