Ensemble of ground subsidence hazard maps using fuzzy logic

Inhye Park, Jiyeong Lee, Lee Saro

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

50 Scopus citations


Hazard maps of ground subsidence around abandoned underground coal mines (AUCMs) in Samcheok, Korea, were constructed using fuzzy ensemble techniques and a geographical information system (GIS). To evaluate the factors related to ground subsidence, a spatial database was constructed from topographic, geologic, mine tunnel, land use, groundwater, and ground subsidence maps. Spatial data, topography, geology, and various ground-engineering data for the subsidence area were collected and compiled in a database for mapping ground-subsidence hazard (GSH). The subsidence area was randomly split 70/30 for training and validation of the models. The relationships between the detected ground-subsidence area and the factors were identified and quantified by frequency ratio (FR), logistic regression (LR) and artificial neural network (ANN) models. The relationships were used as factor ratings in the overlay analysis to create ground-subsidence hazard indexes and maps. The three GSH maps were then used as new input factors and integrated using fuzzy-ensemble methods to make better hazard maps. All of the hazard maps were validated by comparison with known subsidence areas that were not used directly in the analysis. As the result, the ensemble model was found to be more effective in terms of prediction accuracy than the individual model.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)207-218
Number of pages12
JournalCentral European Journal of Geosciences
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2014


  • Ensemble modeling
  • GIS
  • Korea
  • abandoned underground coal mine
  • fuzzy logic
  • ground subsidence


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