Estimation on clamping load of high strength bolts considering various environment conditions

Hwan Seon Nah, Sung Mo Choi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


Of high strength bolts, the torque shear type bolt is known to be clamped normally when pin-tails are broken. Sometimes the clamping loads on slip critical connections considerably fluctuate from the required tension due to variation of torque coefficient. This is why the viscosity of lubricant affects the torque coefficient by temperature. In this study, the clamping tests of high strength bolts were performed independently at laboratory conditions and at outdoor environment. The temperatures of outdoor environment candidates were ranged from -11°C to 34°C for six years. The temperature at laboratory condition was composed from -10°C to 50°C at each 10°C interval. At outdoor environment conditions, the clamping load of high strength bolt was varied from 159 to 210 kN and the torque value was varied from 405 to 556 Nm. The torque coefficients at outdoor environment were calculated from 0.126 to 0.158 when tensions were measured from 179 to 192 kN by using tension meter. The torque coefficients at outdoor environment conditions were analyzed as the range from 0.118 to 0.152. From these tests, the diverse equations of torque coefficient, tension dependent to temperature can be acquired by statistic regressive analysis. The variable of torque coefficient at laboratory conditions is 0.13% per each 1°C when it reaches 2.73% per each 1°C at outdoor environment conditions. When the results at laboratory conditions and at outdoor environment were combined to get the revised equations, the change in torque coefficient was modified as 0.2% per each 1°C and the increment of tension was adjusted as 1.89 % per each 1°C.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)399-408
Number of pages10
JournalSteel and Composite Structures
Issue number4
StatePublished - 20 Jul 2017


  • Estimation
  • High strength bolt
  • Tension
  • Torque
  • Torque-coefficient


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