Femtosecond mode-locking of an ytterbium-doped fiber laser using self-assembled gold nanorods

J. Lee, J. Koo, J. H. Lee

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15 Scopus citations


We experimentally demonstrate the use of a saturable absorber (SA) based on self-assembled gold nanorods (GNRs) for femtosecond mode-locking of an ytterbium-doped fiber-based 1 μm laser. A novel type of SA was made by implementation of an end-to-end GNRs self-assembly technique through hot-air induced rapid drying of the GNRs in a deionized water suspension, which enabled us to enhance optical absorption in the 1.06 μm wavelength region. By incorporating this novel SA into an ytterbium-doped fiber-based ring cavity under dispersion-managed conditions, we were able to readily generate mode-locked, soliton pulses having a temporal width of 840 fs at 1063.9 nm. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of the effectiveness of a GNRs-based SA for the generation of femtosecond soliton pulses operating in the 1 μm range.

Original languageEnglish
Article number090001
JournalLaser Physics Letters
Issue number9
StatePublished - Sep 2017


  • fiber lasers
  • gold nanorods
  • mode-locking
  • self-assembly
  • ytterbium-doped fiber


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