HfAlOx-based ferroelectric memristor for nociceptor and synapse functions

Dongyeol Ju, Yongjin Park, Minseo Noh, Minsuk Koo, Sungjun Kim

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1 Scopus citations


Efficient data processing is heavily reliant on prioritizing specific stimuli and categorizing incoming information. Within human biological systems, dorsal root ganglions (particularly nociceptors situated in the skin) perform a pivotal role in detecting external stimuli. These neurons send warnings to our brain, priming it to anticipate potential harm and prevent injury. In this study, we explore the potential of using a ferroelectric memristor device structured as a metal-ferroelectric-insulator-semiconductor as an artificial nociceptor. The aim of this device is to electrically receive external damage and interpret signals of danger. The TiN/HfAlOx (HAO)/HfSiOx (HSO)/n+ Si configuration of this device replicates the key functions of a biological nociceptor. The emulation includes crucial aspects, such as threshold reactivity, relaxation, no adaptation, and sensitization phenomena known as “allodynia” and “hyperalgesia.” Moreover, we propose establishing a connection between nociceptors and synapses by training the Hebbian learning rule. This involves exposing the device to injurious stimuli and using this experience to enhance its responsiveness, replicating synaptic plasticity.

Original languageEnglish
Article number084706
JournalJournal of Chemical Physics
Issue number8
StatePublished - 28 Aug 2024


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