In-situ study of beneficial utilization of coal fly ash in reactive mine tailings

Joon Kyu Lee, Julie Q. Shang, Hongliu Wang, Cheng Zhao

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

16 Scopus citations


Oxidation of reactive mine tailings and subsequent generation of acid mine drainage (AMD) have been long recognized as the largest environmental concern for the mining industry. Laboratory studies on utilization of coal fly ash in management of reactive mine tailings have shown reducing water and oxygen infiltration into tailings matrix, thus preventing oxidation of sulphide minerals and acid generation. However, few data from field studies to evaluate the performance of co-placement of mine tailings and fly ash (CMF hereafter) are reported in the open literature. This paper documents the construction and instrumentation of three CMF systems on the Musselwhite mine located in Ontario, Canada and presents results of 3-year real time monitoring. The field data indicates that the CMFs reduced the ingress of water due to cementation generated by hydration of fly ash. It was also found that the electrical conductivity of leachate from CMFs decreased in the early stage of co-placement, compared to the control. With further study, the principle and approach demonstrated in this paper can be adopted as a sustainable technology in the mine tailings management.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)73-80
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Environmental Management
StatePublished - 15 Mar 2014


  • Acid mine drainage
  • Coal fly ash
  • In-situ monitoring
  • Mine waste management
  • Reactive mine tailings


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