Infrared-optical spectroscopy of transparent conducting perovskite (La,Ba)SnO3 thin films

Dongmin Seo, Kwangnam Yu, Young Jun Chang, Egon Sohn, Kee Hoon Kim, E. J. Choi

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35 Scopus citations


We have performed optical transmission, reflection, spectroscopic ellipsometry, and Hall effect measurements on the electron-doped La xBa1-xSnO3 (x = 0.04) transparent thin films. From the infrared Drude response and plasma frequency analysis we determine the effective mass of the conducting electron m* = 0.35m 0. In the visible-UV region the optical band gap shifts to high energy in (La,Ba)SnO3 by 0.18 eV compared with undoped BaSnO 3 which, in the context of the Burstein-Moss analysis, is consistent with the infrared-m*. m* of BaSnO3 is compared with other existing transparent conducting oxides (TCO), and implication on search for high-mobility TCO compounds is discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Article number022102
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number2
StatePublished - 13 Jan 2014


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