Low melting temperature sn-bi solder: Effect of alloying and nanoparticle addition on the microstructural, thermal, interfacial bonding, and mechanical characteristics

Hyejun Kang, Sri Harini Rajendran, Jae Pil Jung

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

67 Scopus citations


Sn-based lead-free solders such as Sn-Ag-Cu, Sn-Cu, and Sn-Bi have been used extensively for a long time in the electronic packaging field. Recently, low-temperature Sn-Bi solder alloys at-tract much attention from industries for flexible printed circuit board (FPCB) applications. Low melting temperatures of Sn-Bi solders avoid warpage wherein printed circuit board and electronic parts deform or deviate from the initial state due to their thermal mismatch during soldering. How-ever, the addition of alloying elements and nanoparticles Sn-Bi solders improves the melting temperature, wettability, microstructure, and mechanical properties. Improving the brittleness of the eutectic Sn-58wt%Bi solder alloy by grain refinement of the Bi-phase becomes a hot topic. In this paper, literature studies about melting temperature, microstructure, inter-metallic thickness, and mechanical properties of Sn-Bi solder alloys upon alloying and nanoparticle addition are reviewed.

Original languageEnglish
Article number364
Pages (from-to)1-25
Number of pages25
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 2021


  • Low-temperature solder
  • Mechanical property
  • Melting temperature
  • Microstructure
  • Sn-58wt%Bi


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