Microbial additives in controlling odors from stored swine slurry

Eunsun Choi, Jaehyuk Kim, Il Choi, Hyunmi Ahn, Jong In Dong, Hyunook Kim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Scopus citations


At livestock farms, the most important thing is to control odors released from manure. In this study, four commercially available microbial additives designed to control odor and NH3 emissions were applied to swine slurries stored in containers, and their effectiveness in odor reduction was statistically evaluated. Seventeen different odorous compounds in the headspace of each container were analyzed to calculate an overall odor index for slurries treated with different microbial additives over time. Of the four microbial additives tested in this study, only two were effective in reducing the odors from the swine slurry. After a 80-day storage period, the odor indexes of the slurries could be reduced by over 70 % with 50 % reduction in volatile fatty acids. In addition, a significant five orders of magnitude reduction in Escherichia coli could be achieved within 60 days. The other two microbial additives did not affect the odor characteristics of swine slurries under storage; their time profiles were statistically identical with that of the control. Results of this study imply that farmers considering applying microbial additives for controlling odors from swine manure should be careful in choosing an additive.

Original languageEnglish
Article number104
JournalWater, Air, and Soil Pollution
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 2015


  • Deodorants
  • Microbial additives
  • Odor reducing additives
  • Swine manure odor


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