Modified reactive power allocation strategy for large-scale offshore wind turbine considering subsystem configuration

Yeuntae Yoo, Seungmin Jung, Jae Hyeong Lee, Sungyoon Song, Gilsoo Jang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


Recent research on wind-farm control methods has focused until now on maximising the efficiency and durability offarm operations, as verified for a normalised electrical layout. However, with the increase of turbine size and capacity, it isnecessary to develop modifications of the farm management plan that can support the increasing demands of the wind-turbineindustry. Here the authors propose a modification that focuses on a proportional reactive power-dispatch method that is appliedto radial offshore farm networks. They improve a previously developed method of proportionally distributing reactive powercommands by considering the actual configuration of an offshore platform. To confirm the applicability of this method in transientstate, they examine case studies using a time-varying signal for a reactive power reference under fluctuating wind.Electromagnetic transients using DC software tools are used to estimate the electrical loss and verify the efficiency of thisstrategy.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5135-5142
Number of pages8
JournalIET Generation, Transmission and Distribution
Issue number22
StatePublished - 13 Nov 2020


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