New affine transformation parameters for the horizontal network of Seoul/Korea by multivariate TLS-adjustment

Jay Hyoun Kwon, Jong Ki Lee, Burkhard Schaffrin, Yun Soo Choi, Impyeong Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


The new approach of multivariate Total Least-Squares (TLS) adjustment has been applied to 33 stations of the horizontal network of Seoul/Korea in order to estimate best-fitting affine transformation parameters. The results are presented along with variances and covariances (in first order approximation), and comparisons are drawn with the standard Least-Squares (LS) approach. Although the estimates from TLS do not show practical differences with respect to LS, the fit does yield significant improvements. Furthermore, the estimates could be substantially different when the data quality drops considerably. No weights are taken into consideration at this time.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)279-291
Number of pages13
JournalSurvey Review
Issue number313
StatePublished - Jul 2009


  • Affine transformation parameters
  • Horizontal network
  • Multivariate Total Least-Squares adjustment


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