Nonlinear destructive interaction between wind and wave loads acting on the substructure of the offshore wind energy converter: A numerical study

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1 Scopus citations


Even though the offshore wind industry’s growth potential is immense, the offshore wind industry is still suffering from problems, such as the large initial capital requirements. Many factors are involved, and among these, the extra costs incurred by the conservative design of offshore wind energy converters can be quickly addressed at the design stage by accounting for the nonlinear destructive interaction between wind and wave loads. Even when waves approach offshore wind energy converters collinearly with the wind, waves and wind do not always make the offshore wind energy converter’s substructure deformed. These environmental loads can intermittently exert a force of resistance against deformation due to the nonlinear destructive interaction between wind and wave loads. Hence, the nonlinear destructive interaction between wave and wind loads deserves much more attention. Otherwise, a very conservative design of offshore wind energy converters will hamper the offshore wind energy industry’s development, which is already suffering from enormous initial capital expenditures. In this rationale, this study numerically simulates a 5 MW offshore wind energy converter’s structural behavior subject to wind and random waves using the dynamic structural model developed to examine the nonlinear destructive interaction between wind and wave loads. Numerical results show that the randomly fluctuating water surface as the wind blows would restrict the offshore wind energy converter’s substructure’s deflection. Nonuniform growth of the atmospheric boundary layer due to the wavy motions at the water surface as the wind blows results in a series of hairpin vortices, which lead to the development of a large eddy out of hairpin vortices swirling in the direction opposite to the incoming wind near the atmospheric boundary layer. As a result, the vertical profile of the longitudinal wind velocity is modified; the subsequent energy loss drastically weakens the wind velocity, which consequently leads to the smaller deflection of the substructure of the offshore wind energy converter by 50% when compared with that in the case of wind with gusts over a calm sea.

Original languageEnglish
Article number999
Pages (from-to)1-26
Number of pages26
JournalJournal of Marine Science and Engineering
Issue number12
StatePublished - Dec 2020


  • Aero-and hydro-elastic analysis
  • JONSWAP spectrum
  • Kamail spectrum
  • Mono-pile
  • Nonlinear destructive interaction between wind and wave loading


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