Optical Properties of 2H Phase WTe2 Flakes

Yonghee Jo, Dae Hyun Jung, Tae Wan Kim, Chae Ho Shin

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Tungsten ditelluride (WTe2) has attracted increasing attention because of its unique properties, such as its relatively narrow bandgap and large carrier transport, which depend on its phases. A mechanically exfoliated ultrathin WTe2 flake was transferred on to a SiO2/Si substrate. A transferred WTe2 flake with a thickness of 10 – 40 nm was determined by using Atomic force microscopy (AFM). We systematically investigated the thickness-dependent optical properties of the WTe2 flakes. The dominant Raman A31,A41,A71andA91 peaks were observed. Strong photoluminescence emission peaks with a band gap of 1.83 eV were observed for flakes with thicknesses of 10 nm, possibly because of a radiative transition. We note that the radiative transition efficiency was enhanced with decreasing number of WTe2 flake layers.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)535-538
Number of pages4
JournalNew Physics: Sae Mulli
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2020


  • Photoluminescence
  • Raman spectroscopy
  • TMDs
  • WTe


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