Photocatalytic activity of hierarchically structured TiO2 films synthesized by chemical vapor deposition

Heon Lee, Sung Hoon Park, Young Kwon Park, Sun Jae Kim, Byung Hoon Kim, Jaehong Lee, Sang Chul Jung

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1 Scopus citations


Hierarchically structured TiO2 photocatalyst films were synthesized using low-pressure metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (LPMOCVD) method to examine their photocatalytic activity. The thickness of the TiO 2 films increased proportionally with increasing deposition time. The TiO2 film synthesized at 773 K showed a hierarchical structure composed of vertically grown laminar (112)-oriented anatase crystals. With increasing deposition time, the grain became larger and the morphology became sharper. In the initial CVD stage, small particular crystals were formed, above which sequential growth of layers of columnars with increasing size took place, forming hierarchical structure. The hierarchically structured TiO2 film exhibited much higher photocatalytic activity than unhierarchically structured TiO2 film. The photocatalytic activity increased with increasing film thickness.

Original languageEnglish
Article number637532
JournalInternational Journal of Photoenergy
StatePublished - 2014


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