Physical model of a local threshold voltage shift in InGaZnO thin-film transistors under current stress for instability-aware circuit design

Tae Jun Yang, Je Hyuck Kim, Jung Rae Cho, Hee Jun Lee, Kyungmin Kim, Jaewon Park, Sung Jin Choi, Jong Ho Bae, Dong Myong Kim, Changwook Kim, Dong Wook Park, Dae Hwan Kim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


In this study, the degradation mechanism of bottom-gate InGaZnO thin-film transistors (IGZO TFTs) under current stress (CS) was analyzed. The threshold voltage shift (ΔVT) caused by different oxygen flow rates (OFR) and various VGS and VDS combinations was measured and analyzed. In addition, the CS-induced ΔVT was modeled and quantified using the parameters of the multiple stretched exponential functions (MSEF). The quantitative parameters for the lateral field-induced degradation mechanisms were analyzed for each source and drain region. Also, the activation energy (EA) for each mechanism was extracted, and it was confirmed that the donor creation near the drain was caused by oxygen vacancy ionization. Finally, the parameters of subgap density-of-states were extracted using the monochromatic photonic capacitance-voltage (MPCV) method. The proposed physical ΔVT model of IGZO TFT under CS should be helpful in the design of instability-aware circuits.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)55-60
Number of pages6
JournalCurrent Applied Physics
StatePublished - Feb 2023


  • Current stress
  • Donor creation
  • Electron trapping
  • Hot carrier
  • InGaZnO
  • Thin film transistor


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