Production of a producer gas from woody waste via air gasification using activated carbon and a two-stage gasifier and characterization of tar

Tae Young Mun, Pyeong Gi Seon, Joo Sik Kim

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58 Scopus citations


Experiments were carried out with a woody waste fraction using a two-stage gasifier consisting of a fluidized bed zone and a tar cracking zone that was filled with activated carbon. In the experiments, the effects of experimental conditions such as the temperature and the equivalence ratio were investigated. In addition, the results of the experiments with virgin activated carbon, without activated carbon, and with spent activated carbon were compared. The producer gases that were obtained in the experiments were analyzed using GCs (FID and TCD) and a GC-MS system. The producer gas obtained with the application of activated carbon at an ER of 0.2 had high H2 content (16 vol.%, N2-free), and its lower heating value was above 10 MJ/Nm3. In addition, the total amount of the tar captured by the scrubbers and the electrostatic precipitator was reduced sixfold when activated carbon was applied.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3226-3234
Number of pages9
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 2010


  • Activated carbon
  • Gasification
  • Tar
  • Two-stage gasifier
  • Woody waste


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