Realization of Biomimetic Synaptic Functions in a One-Cell Organic Resistive Switching Device Using the Diffusive Parameter of Conductive Filaments

Sin Hyung Lee, Hea Lim Park, Min Hoi Kim, Min Hwi Kim, Byung Gook Park, Sin Doo Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

25 Scopus citations


Toward the successful development of artificial intelligence, artificial synapses based on resistive switching devices are essential ingredients to perform information processing in spiking neural networks. In neural processes, synaptic plasticity related to the history of neuron activity plays a critical role during learning. In resistive switching devices, it is barely possible to emulate both short-term plasticity and long-term plasticity due to the uncontrollable dynamics of the conductive filaments (CFs). Despite extensive effort to realize synaptic plasticity in such devices, it is still challenging to achieve reliable synaptic functions due to the overgrowth of CFs in a random fashion. Herein, we propose an organic resistive switching device with bio-realistic synaptic functions by adjusting the CF diffusive parameter. In the proposed device, complete synaptic plasticity provides the history-dependent change in the conductance. Moreover, the homeostatic feedback, which resembles the biological process, regulates CF growth in our device, which enhances the reliability of synaptic plasticity. This novel concept for realizing synaptic functions in organic resistive switching devices may provide a physical platform to advance the fundamental understanding of learning and memory mechanisms and develop a variety of neural circuits and neuromorphic systems that can be linked to artificial intelligence and next-generation computing paradigm.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)51719-51728
Number of pages10
JournalACS applied materials & interfaces
Issue number46
StatePublished - 18 Nov 2020


  • artificial synapse
  • conductive filament
  • organic resistive switching device
  • spiking neural networks
  • synaptic function
  • synaptic plasticity


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