Relationship between Consistency and Performance in the Claim Management Process for Construction Projects

Wonkyoung Seo, Young Hoon Kwak, Youngcheol Kang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

17 Scopus citations


A consistent process is defined as the establishment of and compliance with a formal work process. This study investigates the relationship between consistency and performance in project environments. The claim management process for construction projects was explored because of the unpredictability in timing, size, and complexity of project claims that require consistency for inter organizational and intraorganizational communication and collaboration. To test the association between consistency and performance in the claim management process, structural equipment modeling was conducted. The performance of a claim management process was measured by the frequencies of entitlement miss, time-bar miss, and lack of substantiation. The results showed that the more consistent the processes that are in place, the better the performance at the process level. It is recommended that project-driven organizations should develop and maintain a high level of process consistency to improve the performance of their processes in order to achieve better project organizational performance.

Original languageEnglish
Article number04021068
JournalJournal of Management in Engineering - ASCE
Issue number6
StatePublished - 1 Nov 2021


  • Claim management process
  • Consistency
  • Construction claim
  • Performance


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