Reversed cyclic behavior of post-tensioned precast concrete beam-column connections with unbonded tendons

Jin Ha Hwang, Seung Ho Choi, Jae Hyun Kim, Kang Su Kim, Woon Taek Woo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Precast concrete (PC) beam-column connections using unbonded tendons can improve the seismic performance via self-centering effect of PC structures. In this study, PC beam-column specimens were manufactured and tested under reversed cyclic loading, in which the test variable was the magnitude of prestress. The test results showed that, compared to the RC specimen, pinching behavior was hardly observed in the PC specimens with unbonded tendons, and all acceptance criteria for the seismic performance of connections suggested by the ACI 374 report were satisfied except for the strength degradation due to concrete crushing failure at ends of beams. In addition, finite element analysis was conducted using two modeling methods, and it was found that the modeling method using beam-column elements for concrete and truss elements for tendons was appropriate for PC specimens with unbonded tendons.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)657-664
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of the Korea Concrete Institute
Issue number6
StatePublished - Dec 2018


  • Beam-column connection
  • Finite element analysis
  • Post-tension
  • Precast concrete
  • Unbonded tendon


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