Software-based adaptive protection control against load mismatch for a mobile power amplifier module

Jooyoung Jeon, Youngho Jung, Myounggon Kang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


A closed-loop protection method for a radio frequency (RF) power amplifier (PA) module applicable to mobile handsets has been introduced. The load impedance of the PA was adaptively sensed by an embedded impedance detector which was digitally controlled and the system adjusted PA power using a feedback circuit to keep the PA safe based on a load mismatch detection. For verification, a two-stage hetero junction bipolar transistor (HBT) PA module for handsets was fabricated and tested against load mismatch. Measurement results showed that the technique could help PA survive at a 0.5V larger collector bias voltage condition than when the technique was not applied for the same mismatch condition with an acceptable RF performance degradation at nominal condition.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1226
JournalElectronics (Switzerland)
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 2019


  • Closed loop feedback
  • HBT
  • Impedance detection
  • Load mismatch
  • Mobile industry processor interface (MIPI)
  • Module
  • Protection circuit
  • RF power amplifier
  • Software


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