Stress-transfer in concrete encased and filled tube square columns employed in top-down construction

Sun Hee Kim, Kyong Soo Yom, Sung Mo Choi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Scopus citations


Top-down construction is a construction technique in which pit excavation and structure construction are conducted simultaneously. Reducing construction time and minimizing noise and vibration which affect neighboring structures, the technique is widely employed in constructing downtown structures. While H-steel columns have been commonly used as core columns, concrete filled steel tube (CFT) columns are at the center of attention because the latter have less axial directionality and greater cross-sectional efficiency than the former. When compared with circular CFT columns, square CFT columns are more easily connected to the floor structure and the area of percussion rotary drilling (PRD) is smaller. For this reason, square CFT columns are used as core columns of concrete encased and filled square (CET) columns in underground floors. However, studies on the structural behavior and concrete stress transfer of CET columns have not been conducted. Since concrete is cast according to construction sequence, checking the stress of concrete inside the core columns and the stress of covering concrete is essential. This paper presents the results of structural tests and analyses conducted to evaluate the usability and safety of CET columns in top-down construction where CFT columns are used as core columns. Parameters in the tests are loading condition, concrete strength and covering depth. The compressive load capacity and failure behavior of specimens are evaluated. In addition, 2 cases of field application of CET columns in underground floors are analyzed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)63-77
Number of pages15
JournalSteel and Composite Structures
Issue number1
StatePublished - 20 Sep 2016


  • Concrete encased and filled square (CET) column
  • Concrete stress transfer
  • Core column
  • Loading condition
  • Pre-load
  • Welded built-up square column


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