Tight upper bound on the bit error rate of convolutional codes over correlated nakagami-m fading channels

Seongah Jeong, Jinkyu Kang, Hoojin Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In this letter, we investigate tight analytical and asymptotic upper bounds for bit error rate (BER) of constitutional codes over exponentially correlated Nakagami-m fading channels. Specifically, we derive the BER expression depending on an exact closed-form formula for pairwise error event probabilities (PEEP). Moreover, the corresponding asymptotic analysis in high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime is also explored, which is verified via numerical results. This allows us to have explicit insights on the achievable coding gain and diversity order.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1080-1083
Number of pages4
JournalIEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences
Issue number8
StatePublished - 2021


  • Asymptotic analysis
  • Bit error rate (BER)
  • Convolutional codes
  • Linear block codes
  • Nakagamim fading channels
  • Pairwise error event probabilities (PEEP)
  • Performance analysis


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