Transient velocity overshoot dynamics in GaAs for electric fields ≤ 200 kV/cm

J. Son, W. Sha, J. Kim, T. B. Norris, J. F. Whitaker, G. A. Mourou

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

39 Scopus citations


We have experimentally studied the transient velocity overshoot dynamics of photoexcited carriers in GaAs for electric fields as great as 200 kV/cm. Time domain waveforms proportional to the velocity and the acceleration of carriers have been acquired, respectively, from guided and free-space radiating signals which contain terahertz frequency components. The measurements demonstrated that the degree of overshoot was maximized for an electric field on the GaAs between 40 and 50 kV/cm when 1.44-eV photons in an 80-fs laser pulse excited the sample. For carriers excited with higher initial energy (1.55 eV), the degree of overshoot decreased and the maximum degree of overshoot occurred at a higher electric field.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)923-925
Number of pages3
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number7
StatePublished - 1993


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