Tunable Emission of Bluish Zn-Cu-Ga-S Quantum Dots by Mn Doping and Their Electroluminescence

Jong Hoon Kim, Kyung Hye Kim, Suk Young Yoon, Yuri Kim, Sun Hyoung Lee, Hyun Sik Kim, Heesun Yang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

30 Scopus citations


On the basis of bluish-emitting double-shelled quantum dots (QDs) of Zn-Cu-Ga-S (ZCGS)/ZnS/ZnS, Mn doping into ZCGS host with different Mn/Cu concentrations is implemented via surface adsorption and lattice diffusion. The resulting double-shelled Mn-doped ZCGS (ZCGS/Mn) QDs exhibit a distinct Mn 2+ 4 T 1 - 6 A 1 emission as a consequence of effective lattice incorporation simultaneously with host intragap states-involving emissions of free-to-bound and donor-acceptor pair recombinations. The relative contribution of Mn emission to the overall photoluminescence (PL) is consistently proportional to its concentration, resulting in tunable PL from bluish, white, to reddish white. Regardless of Mn doping and its concentration, all QDs possess high PL quantum yield levels of 74-79%. Those undoped and doped QDs are then employed as an emitting layer (EML) of all-solution-processed QD-light-emitting diodes (QLEDs) with hybrid charge transport layers and their electroluminescence (EL) is compared. Compared to undoped QDs, doped analogues give rise to a huge spectral disparity of EL versus PL, specifically showing a near-complete quenching of Mn 2+ EL. This unexpected observation is rationalized primarily by considering unbalanced carrier injection to QD EML on the basis of energetic alignment of the present QLED and rapid trapping of holes injected at intragap states of QDs.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)8250-8257
Number of pages8
JournalACS applied materials & interfaces
Issue number8
StatePublished - 27 Feb 2019


  • Mn doping
  • Znâ'Cuâ'Gaâ'S quantum dots
  • electroluminescence
  • emission quenching
  • tunable emission


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