Urban regeneration governance, community organizing, and artists’ commitment: A case study of Seongbuk-dong in Seoul

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

16 Scopus citations


In 2013, the Seongbuk-dong district of Seoul was officially designated as a “Historic and Cultural District.” District designation transformed the area from a naturally occurring cultural district comprised of historical monuments, beautiful landscapes, and cultural institutions into a place where various projects have been implemented to enhance the district's attractiveness and cultural value. At the same time, efforts have been made to strengthen community participation, including the introduction of a “Community Planning Group” policy. This article addresses the multifaceted interplay of culture-led urban regeneration, heritage production, and community participation in Seongbuk-dong and highlights the complex features of community participation as well as the significance and possibilities of artists' commitment to urban regeneration governance.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100328
JournalCity, Culture and Society
StatePublished - Jun 2020


  • Artist
  • Community participation
  • Cultural cluster
  • Heritage production
  • Local governance
  • Urban regeneration


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