Van der Waals density functional theory study for bulk solids with BCC, FCC, and diamond structures

Jinwoo Park, Byung Deok Yu, Suklyun Hong

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47 Scopus citations


Abstract Proper inclusion of van der Waals (vdW) interactions in theoretical simulations based on standard density functional theory (DFT) is crucial to describe the physics and chemistry of systems such as organic and layered materials. Many encouraging approaches have been proposed to combine vdW interactions with standard approximate DFT calculations. Despite many vdW studies, there is no consensus on the reliability of vdW methods. To help further development of vdW methods, we have assessed various vdW functionals through the calculation of structural properties at equilibrium, such as lattice constants, bulk moduli, and cohesive energies, for bulk solids, including alkali, alkali-earth, and transition metals, with BCC, FCC, and diamond structures as the ground state structure. These results provide important information for the vdW-related materials research, which is essential for designing and optimizing materials systems for desired physical and chemical properties.

Original languageEnglish
Article number3922
Pages (from-to)885-891
Number of pages7
JournalCurrent Applied Physics
Issue number8
StatePublished - 2 Jun 2015


  • Bulk modulus
  • Bulk solids
  • Cohesive energy
  • Density functional theory
  • Lattice constant
  • Van der Waals interactions


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