Weighted Mobility Ratio Engineering for High-Performance Bi–Te-Based Thermoelectric Materials via Suppression of Minority Carrier Transport

Minyoung Kim, Sang il Kim, Sung Wng Kim, Hyun Sik Kim, Kyu Hyoung Lee

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79 Scopus citations


Thermoelectrics, which can generate electricity from a temperature difference, or vice versa, is a key technology for solid-state cooling and energy harvesting; however, its applications are constrained owing to low efficiency. Since the conversion efficiency of thermoelectric devices is directly obtained via a figure of merit of materials, zT, which is related to the electronic and thermal transport characteristics, the aim here is to elucidate physical parameters that should be considered to understand transport phenomena in semiconducting materials. It is found that the weighted mobility ratio of the majority and minority carrier bands is an important parameter that determines zT. For nanograined Bi–Sb–Te alloy, the unremarked role of this parameter on temperature-dependent electronic transport properties is demonstrated. This analysis shows that the control of the weighted mobility ratio is a promising way to enhance zT of narrow bandgap thermoelectric materials.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2005931
JournalAdvanced Materials
Issue number47
StatePublished - 25 Nov 2021


  • Bi–Te-based alloys
  • bipolar conduction
  • quality factor
  • thermoelectric materials
  • weighted mobility ratio


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